Unique diagnostic development at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics

Unique diagnostic development at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics

The atomic beam probe is a unique extension of the beam emission spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic, being developed at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Hungary). You can read about the BES diagnostic and the research activity of the BES group in more details on the Wigner RCP website. Just as a reminder: the BES is a special tool to diagnose plasma edge density. The working […]

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Investigators of the star factory

Investigators of the star factory

Angela Merkel started the first experiments over one and a half year ago, which were continued in this September after a longer shutdown and development period at Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). The fusion research groups at the Plasma Physics Department of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS Winger RCP) did not stand idle during this one-year-long period of reconstruction. […]

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