An independent panel of experts reviewed the R&D and design work of EUROfusion, the European fusion research organization, at DEMO, the future demonstration fusion power plant, from 19 to 25 November 2020. The Hungarian member of the 5-member international body is Prof. Dr. Attila Aszódi, professor of the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The head of the board was the former director general of CERN and its members included leaders of large nuclear companies and research institutes. EUROfusion welcomes the panel’s recommendations on the results so far and on moving to the conceptual phase. The DEMO facility is being designed by the European fusion community together with industry. Specialists from the ELKH Centre for Energy Research are also involved in the implementation of the first fusion power plant, mainly in the framework of engineering design and various simulation tasks.

Artist’s concept of a fusion power plant. Source: EUROfusion
Realising fusion energy
The EUROfusion consortium brings together researchers from across the EU, Switzerland and Ukraine with the goal to realise clean, low-carbon fusion energy as soon as possible. Its ultimate objective is to design and build the fusion demonstration power plant DEMO. This first-of-its-kind facility will demonstrate the net production of hundreds of megawatts of electricity, as well as essential technologies such as tritium breeding and remote maintenance.
EUROfusion takes a staged approach to designing DEMO, with industry-standard review practises including a gate review process. Each project phase is reviewed by a panel of independent experts before the project can advance to the next phase. This allows the DEMO team to learn from the experience of ITER and guarantees that DEMO has the support and involvement of the European fusion community and the companies that will design and construct it.
Attila Aszódi commented on the overview of DEMO’s plans as follows:
“The DEMO Gate review was an extremely interesting exercise! I learned a lot about state-of-the-art fusion technology and hopefully the fusion community gained important feedback from me about safety, licensing, design, engineering and knowledge management. DEMO will be the next major step towards commercial fusion energy production. Europe ramping up its fusion R&D activities signals a new era in the field, with a lot of work for the research institutes and university laboratories.”

Development engineer András Zsákai works with the DEMO CAD model
The Centre for Energy Research also contributes
Centre for Energy Research from Hungary mostly participates in the work of the EUROfusion consortium, partly with plasma physics research and technological developments. Most of these are aimed at the implementation of the current fusion facilities and the large ITER experimental facility, but are also gradually turning to the design of DEMO. In the current expert review of DEMO, the staff of the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of Budapest University of Tehcnology and Economics and the Centre for Energy Research has provided a useful background and have been actively involved in international, including European fusion research.